Adnan Quisar
عدنان قیصر
Adnan Quisar Speaking at the HackSussex Gamejam in 2023
Who Am I
My name is Adnan, and I’m an Software Engineer at Global Financial Firm, Macquarie Group. I hold a First-Class Honours in Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence degree at the University of Sussex. In recent years, my areas of interest have gravitated towards natural language processing and computational finance, with my dissertation “Inventory Forecasting in the Crude Oil Market with Machine Learning”.
I have a few years of tech related work experience including summer positions as a Junior Researcher in the Natural Language Procesing Lab, University of Sussex, a Software Engineering Intern at Cloud Native Core Banking Scale‑Up, Thought Machine. I have also worked full-time as a Software Engineer at a Real Time Financial News Company, FinancialJuice and a Software Developer at Maritime Data & Analytics Start-Up, Tradeviews.
During my time at university, I engaged in extra-curriculars such as being the Vice-President of the computer science society, HackSussex, a Peer Assisted Learning Tutor and a Teaching Assistant for Artificial Intelligence related undergraduate modules.
What You Can Find on This Website
Here, I discuss things I’m working on, maintain a record of my personal career and write about things I find interesting. Most recently, I blogged about my journey throughout university.
Contact Me
Whether you want to discuss a future career opportunity, work together, or just say hi, my inbox is always open, just email me.